Generally aloe vera It is one of the most used natural products for skin problems, soothing the skin after burns or against irritations.
It is because of that aloe vera for psoriasis as a complement to the treatment as it does not irritate and refreshes the skin.
What is psoriasis?
Psoriasis is one of the best known skin disorders, it is a disorder in which skin cells multiply up to 10 times faster than normal, therefore when they reach the surface they die causing red plaques with white scales .
They generally appear in areas such as knees, elbows, torso, soles of the feet and psoriasis on the scalp is also common, although the latter is sometimes confused with another skin disorder called seborrhea.
Symptoms of Psoriasis
Depending on the type of psoriasis you have, the symptoms may vary:
- Plaque psoriasis: The most common of the symptoms of this skin disorder is red plaques covered by whitish scales that are generally painful since when they break they bleed, with a more severe level of psoriasis on the skin, layers with other
- Toenail disorders: These begin to pit and crumble in addition to becoming discolored.
- Scalp plaques and scales can often be mistaken for seborrheic dermatitis, which has similar features but requires a different treatment approach.
Psoriasis often leads to psoriatic arthritis, which leads to swelling, itching, pain, and stiffness of the joints.
Causes of Psoriasis?
Although it is a skin problem, there are factors that contribute to its development, such as:
-By inheritance: This problem can be inherited from relatives.
-Poor diet.
- Medications: Some medications that contain lithium can cause the appearance of psoriasis in our skin system.
The role of aloe vera against psoriasis
Like the small sun baths recommended for patients with psoriasis, aloe vera is a complementary remedy that can especially help with pain, itching and swelling of wounds.
Aloe Vera's medicinal properties soothe and refresh the skin, which is why using aloe vera for psoriasis is very helpful.
To use aloe vera to treat psoriasis, you would apply the gel from the aloe vera plant topically on the psoriasis.
For some people they will notice a decrease in disorder and illness. Using aloe vera as a lubricating agent on the skin can also suppress psoriasis flare-ups and keep your skin hydrated.
Any topical gel or cream that you claim treating psoriasis with aloe vera It must contain at least 0,5 percent pure aloe vera. For this treatment to work, a cream containing aloe vera gel is applied to the affected area of the skin up to three times a day for five consecutive days, you can continue with this dose for up to four weeks in a row.
After four weeks, you should take a break from this treatment.
Sometimes using aloe vera gel for psoriasis for too long can cause redness or discomfort at the application site.
La National Psoriasis Foundation points out that there is no clear benefit for psoriasis since it is a persistent disease that does not go away completely.
In fact, it recommends that the use of aloe vera, to combat psoriasis, is based especially on lotion, cream or gel as natural as possible and especially without perfumes or substances that can irritate the skin.
For this, it is also necessary to know if you have an allergy to aloe vera, they prefer this type of treatment over oral aloe vera tablets, since the latter could be harmful instead of beneficial.
In the case of lotions or creams, it is necessary to let them dry in the open air until completely absorbed.
Homemade tricks to use aloe vera and relieve psoriasis.
Knowing the properties of this plant and the characteristics of psoriasis, it is necessary to list the different home remedies in which we can use aloe vera to treat our skin affected with psoriasis.
Infusion: To carry out this method, you simply have to extract the pulp from the leaf, mix it with water and lemon, stir and drink the result. Deep hydration is recommended in patients with psoriasis, which is why it is an incentive to use this famous plant, a beneficial property and above all it hydrates more than water alone.
Natural refreshing wipes: Just as a good internal hydration is necessary, aloe vera can provide relief against psoriasis, for this we need again to extract the pulp from the inside of the leaf and mix with water, leave at room temperature or cold and apply with a towel or sponge over wounds, this will provide comfort and relaxation to wounds.
Garlic, oil and aloe vera for psoriasis: Mix the pulp of aloe vera, garlic and oil and apply the result on the wounds.
Homemade aloe vera gel: It can be beneficial for the hygiene of the patient, due to the properties of aloe vera, honey, olive oil and beeswax, which are very useful to combat some of the symptoms of psoriasis.
To make your own homemade aloe vera, olive oil and honey bath gel easily and quickly, you have to do the following:
- Ingredients: 2 glycerin soap bars, 4 tablespoons of honey, 100 g of beeswax, lemon zest, pulp of 4 branches of aloe vera, 100 ml of olive oil.
- Melt the glycerin tablets in the microwave until completely melted.
- Once you have it melted, add 4 tablespoons of honey to the container, the 100 g of beeswax, the lemon zest and the aloe vera pulp.
- Heat the oil until it is lukewarm not hot.
- Add the oil to the mixture and beat with a mixer.
- Pour the content into a container and use it for daily hygiene.
Why aloe vera gel and not soap for psoriasis?
The same previous recipe can be used to make a natural soap, however experts recommend that showers be with gel, since rubbing or rubbing the soap against the skin can provide pain rather than relief.
Home remedies for psoriasis scalp
The advantages offered by the plant to the scalp are the following:
-Regulates excess sebum that makes hair appear dirtier or oily.
-Maintains elastic and flexible hair fibers against external damage.
-Its fungicidal and antibacterial properties make it a great ally against dandruff or the aforementioned seborrhea.
- Strengthens hair follicles in addition to having hair regenerating properties that reduce hair loss.
- Deeply hydrates, restores natural shine and stimulates hair growth, in cases of utopian problems, an aloe vera home remedy is essential to prevent hair damage.
To make a homemade aloe vera shampoo for psoriasis we will need:
- A glass with the gel extracted from aloe vera.
- 1 glass of neutral shampoo.
- 50 ml of argan oil (optional).
- 4 tablespoons of honey.
How to make homemade aloe vera shampoo for hair psoriasis?
- In a blender or mixer, mix the aloe vera with the honey.
- Add the shampoo to the previous mixture and mix again.
- Add a few drops of argan oil for added hydration.
Use the mixture on a damp scalp and leave for 10 minutes.
It is recommended that the rinsing be with cold water to close the hair cuticles.
Natural remedies to treat psoriasis
It is advisable for this type of skin problem to carry out a series of guidelines, to prevent it from increasing and above all that the pain is minimal:
- Maintain a clean and hydrated skin daily and constantly.
- The use of an air humidifier is recommended, thanks to this we can maintain a much more humid and beneficial air to treat the disorder.
- Using soft natural fibers and loose fabrics such as cotton or linen, in this case fibers such as lycra, do the opposite effect.
- Avoid dyes, creams and perfumes that can irritate the skin.
- For patients with psoriasis it is recommended to take at least 30 minutes of sun every three days, although it is necessary to do it progressively, for this to start with 10 minutes a day can be key.
- Eat garlic, in case you don't like it, add it to milk, the reason is simple: garlic is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory so eating it slows the activity of the lipoxygenase enzyme that causes inflammation associated with psoriasis.
The variety of benefits that aloe vera offers are always positive for both external and internal care, in our company we know all the properties and we approach each of the problems in order to offer the best natural remedies.