Aloe Vera is a very powerful medicinal plant that has the ability to counteract a large number of ills within the human body. From preventing hair loss to relieving stomach pain, Aloe Vera itself has an inexhaustible source of ingredients that will make you feel really good in no time. But we are not talking about the remedy for all ills and like everything else, you must make responsible use of what we are telling you today how long you can take Aloe Vera.
Although Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera is really good for the health, many specialists emphasize that ingesting this plant (either alone or in a home remedy) can bring long-term contraindications (unlike using aloe vera topically, which does not usually bring so many disadvantages), raising the following question : How long can Aloe Vera be taken?
How long should you take Aloe Vera
Although the aloe vera plant is really benign for the body itself, it cannot be ignored that its direct action, once it is started to be consumed instead of used in the dermis of the body, is quite strong and can harm the life from one moment to the next.
For the aforementioned, specialists recommend taking Aloe Vera for at least 6 consecutive months, considering that you take a daily dose of only 20 ml of Aloe Vera per day. Once the 6 months of daily intake have passed, it is recommended that you take a break from aloe vera for at least 6 months more, being able to repeat this process as many times as you wish.
The reason why it is recommended to take aloe vera in the previous way explained, is because the plant itself has a high amount of vitamins, which could leave the body very vulnerable if they are taken constantly (since the body would depend on the vitamins you supply instead of making its own vitamins).
It is because of the aforementioned that you must be very careful when taking aloe vera, being recommended that you consume it under direct medical prescription if you really need to take it.
How to take Aloe Vera
The most recommended way to take Aloe Vera is by adding the aforementioned amount in a glass of water or natural juice, understanding that the taste of aloe vera can be a bit unpleasant to the point of not liking it if taken by itself. same. That is why you can mix it in a juice or natural juice!
Of course, you also have the possibility of consuming Aloe vera in the form of concentrates or syrups that can easily be obtained in a pharmacy or health food store, although the most recommended under this premise is that you choose to take a leaf of aloe vera and extract 20 ml of the gel to mix it with its respective natural juice.
Generally speaking, the most popular ways to take Aloe vera (apart from those already mentioned) are as follows:
- Making an aloe vera juice or consuming its pulp directly, finding it very common to consume it during the morning (fasting) or at night before going to sleep, taking advantage of this rest stage where the body is absorbing and distributing the vitamins and minerals of aloe vera with more accuracy.
- Aloe vera pills, This being one of the less widespread but just as efficient ways to take this kind of plant food without so many complications. The use of aloe vera-based pills is becoming more and more frequent to treat muscle problems or direct problems of the skin or scalp.
Why take Aloe vera
Aloe Vera is a plant that has a large number of benefits and advantages for the human body, one of the things you can expect in terms of aloe vera intake is listed below:
- With a correct consumption of aloe vera you can keep your body much more hydrated, regulating body temperature much more easily in addition to removing toxins and waste from the body effectively. Other additional advantages that are associated with the correct hydration of the body are the following:
- Good circulation of blood and fluids within the body.
- Balanced blood pressure.
- Optimal absorption of the nutrients manufactured and processed by the body.
- Aloe vera also helps maintain blood sugar level, which is why home remedies with aloe vera are often used to treat type 2 diabetes and improve the condition a little more. In this case, studies have proven that the best way to use aloe vera to maintain glucose levels is to consume it in the form of juice or concentrates.
- This plant is known worldwide for having high anti-inflammatory properties, this being one of the main reasons why it is usually consumed. With this in mind, you can use aloe vera to reduce severe or chronic inflammation, thus avoiding problems such as:
- Acne.
- Oral health problems.
- Constant exhaustion.
- Headaches.
- Digestive problems.
- Joint and bone problems.
- Weight gain or difficulty losing weight.
How does drinkable aloe vera help us?
- Aloe vera can help improve digestive problems, This being one of the main reasons why you can choose to take the gel of this plant on a daily basis. This class of digestive disorders can be very painful and uncomfortable throughout the day, and you can get almost immediate relief with aloe vera. In fact, it could be said that the digestive problems that aloe vera helps to solve more quickly are:
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Irritable bowel syndrome.
- Constipation.
- Indigestion.
- Taking aloe vera (in a measured way, of course), can also help protect and increase the body's defense levels, thanks to the fact that the plant has a large amount of vitamin C. This is one of the reasons why this plant is excellent for the human body! The vitamin in aloe vera can provide the following benefits:
- Reduced risk of gout and chronic disease alike.
- Increased absorption of iron, largely avoiding deficiencies of this mineral in the body.
- Decreased risk of heart disease.
- Improved ability to retain information. In other words, it improves memory and cognitive ability alike.
- Reduction of high blood pressure.
- Improved white blood cell function.
- Last but not least, eating aloe vera can help balance the pH level in the body, which can lead to greater flexibility and resistance of the skin to external agents. However, this advantage can be better exploited by combining the intake of aloe vera with a balanced diet based on foods high in acids.
Always with responsibility
Everything with the proper consumption limit can be very advantageous for the body, the best proof of this being aloe vera, which can be as good as it is counterproductive if not consumed properly. Take aloe vera with a lot of reserve and enjoy these and many other benefits!