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10 tips and tricks to take care of your skin

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To have beautiful, radiant and, above all, healthy skin, it is essential to know how to take care of the skin. Remember that it is the largest organ in the body, it protects us from external aggressions and from the loss of internal water.

Have a good treatment routine and daily skin care it can delay signs of aging, such as wrinkles, or simply prevent problems like acne, burns, or blemishes. To do this, you have to take into account certain cares whatever the nature or type of skin you have. The key to maintaining a healthy appearanceIn addition to leading a healthy life, it means following basic care to the letter on a day-to-day basis.

To carry out a hydrated treatment, a high cost of products is not necessary. Many times we think that more expensive products will be better or will work miracles with our skin, but there are some homemade tricks that do the same function. Take a pen and paper and write down the following advice from Skin care to keep it healthy and hydrated economically and effectively.

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How to take care of the skin with homemade tricks?

  1. Aloe vera cleanser

In your beauty routine you cannot miss a previous treatment. The aloe vera is essential for this, as it contains nourishing characteristics for the skin. An inexpensive, effective way is to get an aloe vera plant. As simple as letting the plant mature and cutting a leaf, in this way you can obtain the aloe that it contains inside and apply it on your face or body. Barley contains a large number of properties to care for the skin and improve its appearance: astringent, moisturizing, regenerating, renewing, rejuvenating, antibacterial ... It offers multiple benefits in addition to a deep skin cleansing.

  1. Natural barley cleaner

Barley is known to all to be the main ingredient in beer. But its benefits are multiple and essential natural properties to keep your skin cared for. Barley contains a great source of B vitamins, regulates cholesterol and is even essential to combat depression and anxiety.

One of the homemade tricks to take care of the skin is to make your own natural cleanser at home. It is as simple as boiling a liter of water and pouring in a handful of barley. When it is at its boiling point, remove and add oil and three drops of lemon. In this way, you can apply this cleanser to exfoliate your skin naturally.

  1. Honey Neck Scrub

    home remedies for skin

Another trick that answers the question of how to take care of the skin is to create your own homemade honey-based scrub. Honey has astringent, moisturizing and healing properties. Besides being beneficial for the skin, it relieves coughs, improves memory, is a great source of energy and even solves scalp problems and dandruff. In short, a lot of benefits for humans.

To make your own homemade scrub, it is as easy as mixing three tablespoons of honey, two of ground almonds, and half a tablespoon of lemon juice. This recipe will have an exfoliating effect that will be essential to remove and clean your skin of dead cells.

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  1. Banana mask

Another home remedy for a perfect complexion is the banana. This fruit contains beneficial properties such as Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, they are rich in fiber and best of all, it fights the appearance of wrinkles. This food is also ideal for reducing skin infections, restoring the skin and giving it a unique softness. It is also perfect for reducing eye bags and due to its high potassium content, it reduces acne.

Making a banana mask yourself is ideal to maintain perfect daily skin care. It is as simple as mashing a ripe banana, adding half a tablespoon of lemon and a half of honey. Mix until obtaining a homogeneous mass and apply on the face for 15 minutes. You will notice an instant hydration in your skin.

In the following video, you will see other home remedies about how to take care of the skin In your day to day:

7 skin care tips

As we have seen, there are several daily skin care home remediesBut whether you are more into chemical products or natural treatments, there are some tips that will help you maintain the perfect complexion.

  1. At the end of the day it is essential to clean your skin. After so many hours of dust, pollution, makeup and dirt on your skin, your skin must be oxygenated.
  2. After each cleansing, applying a lotion is ideal for the skin. In this way, the tissues will be repaired overnight.
  3. When you start the day again, it is necessary to clean your face again in order to remove the toxins and fats that the skin produces while we sleep, although this time and depending on the type of skin, a little soap and water is enough.
  4. Protect yourself from the sun. The adverse effects of the sun makes your skin look aged and favors the appearance of early spots. Whatever the season of the year, this action is essential.
  5. Tobacco, pollution or even stress, believe it or not, also affects your complexion. If your question is how to take care of the skin In these cases, it is very simple: cleaning before going to sleep is very important for this.
  6. Other areas of the skin that are not the face such as heels, elbows, hands, it is also very important to have them well hydrated since they are par excellence drier areas and tend to darken and harden. For these cases, there are specialized creams with a high water content.
  7. For any procedure of facial is really effective, it is advisable to choose a lotion that does not have too many additives, since some components could cause the skin to lose lipids and water and dry out.
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How to take care of the skin according to the type of skin?

Taking care of the skin is essential for all skin types, but depending on the type of skin you have, one or the other ingredients and different forms of care are more beneficial.

  1. Dry skin care

If your skin type is dry, you should be especially careful and know how to take care of the skin in more detail. The characteristics of this type of skin are dull and rough in appearance. This type of skin tends to wrinkle more, so this type of skin is the one that needs the most care. Constant hydration is ideal for a daily skin care dry, that is, use moisturizers with a high nutritional component such as water or aloe vera, for example, both day and night.

  1. Tricks for oily skin

Having excess oily skin is not a good sign as it requires special care. A bright complexion with open pores and the appearance that the skin is not being cleaned properly is annoying for many people.

The solution is simple, but like all treatments, it has to be done constantly. Cleaning is essential and should be done several times a day, especially in the morning and at night, to remove all kinds of impurities that accumulate throughout the day, even when you sleep. exist facial cleansers and scrubs Although they are moisturizing, they have a light coverage ideal for this type of skin.

  1. Tips for combination skin

As its name suggests, in this type of skin we can find oily areas, such as the T zone, and dry areas such as the external areas of the face. The best remedy to take care of this type of skin is to use cleansers in gel or milk texture, specific for combination skin, since it does not dry out or greasy as much as those specific for oily and dry skin.

  1. Sensitive skin type

This type of skin is more delicate than other types. It is easily irritated and prone to allergic reactions from cosmetics or perfumes. Atmospheric and climatic changes and inappropriate cosmetics can cause irritation, so it is essential to maintain good daily and constant skin care and above all, to use sun protection products.

To all this, we must add that for maintain healthy skin Maintaining a healthy life, such as exercising or eating a balanced diet, is a key factor in this. To know how to take care of the skin It is very simple, as we have seen we can say that each type of skin must be cared for in an appropriate way, the facial cleaning must be done twice a day, both in the morning and at night exfoliate the face regularly during the week. With the right type of treatment, whether at home or not, for each skin type and the appropriate way of using it, it is enough to show off a perfect complexion.

If you want to know more about the properties of natural products such as aloe vera, enter our website and you will see our products for your daily beauty routine.

10 skin diseases and conditions and 20 tips to remedy them

The skin is the part of the human being that covers and protects the body from external factors. And it is essential to take care of it so as not to have skin conditions. Really, it is not given the importance that it truly has. It acts as a protective barrier and isolates the body from the environment that surrounds it, it also serves as protection against heat, light and injuries that may appear.

Depending on the part of the body, the characteristics of the skin vary in its color, thickness and texture. For example, the skin that covers the head has nothing to do with the skin of our eyelids.

The skin is divided into layers:

  • Epidermis: It is the outermost and thinnest layer of the skin.
  • Dermis: The middle layer of the skin in which blood vessels, sweat glands, and nerves, among others, take place.
  • Subcutaneous fat layer: It is the deepest layer that helps maintain body heat.

Dermatology is the type of specialty that deals with these issues and rare dermatological diseases. It is a part of medicine that is responsible for the study of tissue and its main diseases and conditions of the skin.

On the other hand, it is best to self-examine your skin. No one knows their body better than the person himself and being aware of each appearance of skin condition can help you notice any change and act in time so that it does not become rare dermatological diseases.

skin diseases

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10 main skin conditions

As can be seen, this part of the body must be cared for and treated so as not to have skin conditions and skin diseases. For its treatment and daily care it is essential to know and understand the major skin diseases and how they can affect the human body.

  1. Acne: Top skin concern among teens. It is an inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous follicles. It usually appears from the upper half of the trunk to the face and sometimes also on the arms. It is one of the most common skin conditionss between people.

The main cause of acne is the secretion of sex hormones and their subsequent creation of sebum. Although its causes are very varied, it can also come from genetic inheritance or an excess of poor diet.

  1. Psoriasis: Contrary to popular belief, psoriasis is not one of the contagious skin diseases. Its main characteristic is itching and the shape of patches on the skin. It consists of an acceleration of the cell renewal process. This causes new cells to appear and accumulate on the skin.

The place where they usually occur can be all over the body, from the scalp to the elbows and knees. The cause of the appearance of psioraris is usually genetic, although its origin remains unknown.

  1. Dermatitis: We can find many types of dermatitis on the skin, the most typical and common among human beings is atopic dermatitis. The causes of dermatitis, like those of most skin conditions, are very varied. An example may be the genetic cause, that is, it is a skin disease that is transmitted from generation to generation.

Stress situations, the use of unsuitable soaps for the skin type or even the use of products that can damage the skin such as colonies, are also causes of the appearance of dermatitis.

  1. Seasonal alopecia: Hair loss is perhaps the aesthetic medical issue that most concerns men and women, especially men, of a certain age. Is a skin condition caused by loss of capillary density. In men it usually begins to be noticed in the entrances and in women in the area of ​​the hair partition.

Aloe-Vera for skin diseases

The cause of alopecia can be very varied: genetics, unhealthy diet, emotional state or side effects of different medications.

  1. Melanoma: It is one of the skin diseases that can be fatal, in case the cells of the epidermis become malignant. It is one of the most common conditions in society. The main risk and cause are ultraviolet rays from sunlight.
  2. Sunburn: Excessive sun exposure can create skin burns or in some cases, as we have seen in the previous section, can cause serious skin diseases.
  3. Eczema: It is the response of the skin to external stimuli. Basically, it is a chronic allergy which is distinguished by inflammation of the area and itchy skin. There are two types of eczema:
  • Contact eczema: the origin is external, for example, by the use of cosmetics, perfumes or glues.
  • Atopic eczema: It usually appears after two years of age and spreads on the skin of the head and face.
  1. Warts: Produced by a virus, it appears on the skin as a raised piece of it with a darker color and a round or irregular shape. It is usually transmitted from skin to skin.
  2. Urticaria: The joys foods are the main causes that cause this type of skin conditions. The form of appearance are species of red spots on the skin. The main factor to differentiate it from another type of rare skin disease is its high itchiness and duration.
  3. Athlete's foot: It is commonly known as nail fungus. It is caused by the type of fungus: "dermatophytes", they usually appear in humid, warm places and in dead skin tissue.

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10 Tips to Remedy Skin Conditions

These skin conditions can be treated and with this series of tips for rare skin diseases you can fight and treat them. In some cases, the remedies to alleviate these skin conditions are usually natural, but in others the use of antibiotics is necessary.

  1. Acne: Avoiding their contact, and therefore, "breaking" them is vital since this can present swellings and wounds that are difficult to remove that can leave the skin very marked. All this accompanied by a good diet and constant skin care.
  2. Psoriasis: Treatment for psiorasis is very varied, depending on the degree to which it occurs. There are various corticosteroid creams, immunomodulators or other derivatives of vitamin C. A more home treatment and advice that may be available is exposure, with some care, to the sun.
  3. Dermatitis: Maintaining well-groomed and hydrated skin is a key factor in treating dermatitis, and for any other type of skin condition. However, in the case of dermatitis, it is achieved with the use of creams, soaps and oils that are not highly allergic.
  4. Seasonal alopecia: The truth is that there is no effective medical treatment to prevent and combat alopecia.
  5. Melanoma: Being a skin cancer, only this skin condition can only be treated by surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
  6. Sunburn: Using adequate protection throughout the year and especially, with more care in summer, is essential so that these types of skin conditions do not appear.
  7. Eczema: To alleviate the intense peak and dry areas, a series of treatments are used depending on what type of eczema it is. For example, if it is atopic eczema, topical corticosteroids are usually applied.
  8. Warts: To treat warts that may appear on the skin, the most common is to treat it with surgery but another method is by burning the skin.
  9. Urticaria: The type of treatment will be dictated by a doctor, although they are mainly antihistamines. In more serious cases, it will be convenient to use other drugs such as glucocorticoids.
  10. Athlete's foot: If the infection spreads to the nails, it is normal for them to crack and may even disappear. It can be treated and removed in a few days with specific nail polish or creams.

rare skin diseases treatment

The skin can give us relevant information about our state of health in different ways like these that we have just seen. Protecting it, caring for it and knowing how to treat it is very important so that these skin conditions do not go further and cause more serious rare skin diseases. Good hydration and protection accompanied by adequate nutrition are essential factors in caring for the skin.

Take care of your skin in spring with Aloe Vera

Spring has begun to invade our day to day, and with this season we begin to expose ourselves to some rays of sun, which are beginning to warm up. But temperature changes are also frequent at this time of year, so we don't have to neglect taking care of our skin.

Today we want to give you a series of tips so that you can continue to look perfect in any season of the year. Do not miss them!

  1. Hydrate your skin

Although in winter our skin suffers more from the cold, we must not forget this part of our beauty routine. It is still essential, and especially for sensitive skin, to hydrate the skin. For this, we advise you to apply our star body product, the pure Aloe Vera gel. In addition, for the skin of our complexion, we have a multi-purpose moisturizer that will also help you to have a more than hydrated, glowing skin.

  1. Protect your skin from the sun's rays

As we have commented previously, the sun's rays begin to be stronger, that is, in spring UV radiation increases, so it is very important to prevent possible sunburn in the first days that we are exposed to the sun. That is why you should not forget to use sun protection. On Ibizaloe, we have 15,30, 50 and XNUMX protection. Choose the factor that best suits your skin and the time you are going to be in the sun: Aloe Vera Sun Creams.

  1. Avoid wrinkles

It is true that protecting our skin from the sun helps a lot to avoid the appearance of both spots and wrinkles, but it is highly recommended to use an anti-aging cream that helps and complements the aforementioned measures. In this way, we will prevent our skin from being affected by changes in temperature and by the sun's rays.

En Ibizaloe we have a Anti-aging cream, which favors the regeneration of skin tissue, and of course, Aloe Vera.

  1. Lead a healthy life

There is nothing better than eating well and leading a healthy life by exercising. Combine your beauty treatments with exercise, which helps oxygenate the skin by eliminating toxins.

In our online store, you will find a large number of natural products that will help to take care of both your skin and your body from external agents.

Autumn skin care with Aloe Vera

In autumn, our skin begins to suffer from inclement weather. The cold, the wind, the different changes in humidity, as well as the particles that are in the air affect our skin.

At this time of year, we can therefore, due to the external factors that we have talked about, notice that our skin becomes less smooth and a little weaker. That is why we must take action.

In summer we usually pay more attention to our skin due to the sun, the pool ... But we must continue with the habit of moisturizing our skin with creams, especially in those areas that are exposed, such as the face and hands.

In the care of face we must take into account certain points such as cleaning and hydration:

  • Cleaning: With the Aloe Vera cleansing milk for daily use, you can cleanse your skin and thanks to its soothing active ingredients you will take care of your skin even more.
  • Hydration: It is important at this time of year to hydrate the skin, since due to the wind and cold it dries out more. Use one of the hydrating creams available in our online store Ibizaloe, choose yours according to your skin type.

Furthermore, the lips they are quite affected by the change of season, so it is important to pay attention to them as well.

With the lip balm Ibizaloe, you will keep them hydrated as well as protected against the external aggressions of time.

Another important part of our body is affected by external factors. The hands They are exposed to cold and air, which is why it is essential that you keep them well cared for. Thanks to the Aloe Vera hand cream, available in Ibizaloe, you will get softer and more hydrated hands. Do you already know the benefits of snail slime for the skin?

Visit our online store here: Ibizaloe, Aloe Vera natural cosmetics

10 tips and tricks to take care of your skin
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10 tips and tricks to take care of your skin
Do you want to know how to take care of your skin? In this post we will tell you how to keep your skin healthy and hydrated economically and effectively.
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