Legal Notice
Trade name: IBIZALOE®
Registered Office: Avenida de Portmany 84, Ibiza 07820 - Balearic Islands - Spain
CIF: B 57885758
Telephone: 971 343 811 Fax: 971 343 889
Registered in the Ibiza Registry, page IB-12436, volume 284, page 41
Domain name:
The provider, responsible for the website, makes this document available to users with which it intends to comply with the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE ), as well as informing all users of the website about the conditions of use of the website. Any person who accesses this website assumes the role of user, committing to the observance and strict compliance with the provisions set forth herein, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable. The provider reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website, without there being any obligation to notify or inform users of said obligations, with the publication on the provider's website being understood as sufficient.
The provider is exempt from any type of liability arising from the information published on its website, provided that this information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party outside it.
The provider's website may use cookies (small information files that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page) to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the proper functioning and display of the site.
The cookies used on the website are, in any case, temporary in nature with the sole purpose of making its subsequent transmission and navigability more efficient. In no case will cookies be used to collect personal information. From the client's website it is possible that it is redirected to the content of third-party websites. Given that the provider cannot always control the content posted by third parties on their websites, it does not assume any responsibility for such content. In any case, the provider declares that it will proceed to the immediate withdrawal of any content that could contravene national or international legislation, morality or public order, proceeding to the immediate withdrawal of the redirection to said website, informing the competent authorities the content in question.
The provider is not responsible for the information and content stored, by way of example but not limited to, in forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other means that allows third parties to publish content independently on the website. of the provider.
However, and in compliance with the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, the provider makes itself available to all users, authorities and security forces, to actively collaborate in the withdrawal, or where appropriate, blocking all those contents that could affect or contravene national or international legislation, third party rights or morality and public order. In the event that the user considers that there is any content on the website that could be subject to this classification, please notify the website administrator immediately. This website has been reviewed and tested to ensure that it works properly. In principle, correct operation can be guaranteed 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, the provider does not rule out the possibility of certain programming errors, or that force majeure, natural catastrophes, strikes, or similar circumstances may occur that make access to the website impossible.
Protection of personal data
The provider is deeply committed to compliance with Spanish regulations for the protection of personal data, and guarantees full compliance with the obligations laid down, as well as the implementation of the security measures provided in art. 9 of the Law 15 / 1999, of Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and in the Development Regulation of the LOPD.
The provider makes the Entity's privacy policy available to users, informing users about the following aspects:
-Centros Turísticos Culturales SL
-Electronic Commerce
They can exercise their rights (ARCO) Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition before:
Cultural Tourist Centers SL Avenida de Portmany 84, Ibiza 07820– Balearic Islands
Through the email mentioned above, proving your personality by means of a photocopy of the identity document and indicating the object of your claim.
Intellectual and Industrial Property
The website, including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, the designs, logos, text and / or graphics are the property of the provider or, where appropriate, have a license or authorization. expressed by the authors
All the contents of the website are duly protected by the intellectual and industrial property regulations, as well as registered in the corresponding public registers.
Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and marketing, in any case requires the prior written authorization of the provider. Any use not previously authorized by the provider will be considered a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author. The designs, logos, text and/or graphics that are not the provider's and that may appear on the website belong to their respective owners, who are themselves responsible for any possible controversy that may arise with respect to them. In any case, the provider has express and prior authorization from them.
The provider recognises the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights in favour of their owners, and their mere mention or appearance on the website does not imply the existence of any rights or responsibility of the provider over them, nor does it imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by the provider. To make any type of observation regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any of the contents of the website, you can do so via the following email address:
Return & Right of Withdrawal
The right of withdrawal from a contract is the power of the consumer and user to terminate the contract concluded, thus notifying the other contracting party within the period established for the exercise of that right, without the need to justify their decision and without penalty of any kind.
- The term to exercise this right is 14 calendar days from receipt of the product or from the conclusion of the contract. si it is about de benefit
de services, without penalties by your exercise- - We will reimburse the consumer for the total amount of the purchase, that is, the price of the product plus expenses de shipment before 14 calendar days have elapsed from the date on which you have been informed of the consumer's decision to withdraw from the contract using the same means of payment used by the consumer for the
initial transaction, unless the consumer has expressly provided otherwise and always
and when the consumer does not incur any expenses as a result of the reimbursement. - No se may submit the exercise of this right to any formality, so se may require the consumer that the product be returned in perfect condition without limiting the use of the product, (always we go no further de the mere verification of its good condition and operation). In the case of consumables, the product must remain with its original seal.
CENTROS TURÍSTICOS CULTURALES SL places This form is available to consumers to exercise the right of withdrawal, although its use is not mandatory, they can do so in the following link or downloading this document.
On the other hand, the consumer will have to pay the shipping costs for the return of the goods to our facilities.
It is not possible to condition the exercise of the right of withdrawal that the good is returned in its original packaging, but the consumer can always be informed that if it is not returned in the same original packaging, the good may suffer a depreciation.
Consumer goods guarantees
In the event of a defective product, the seller must proceed, as appropriate, to the repair, replacement, price reduction or termination of the contract, procedures that will be free for the consumer and user. The seller is liable for any lack of conformity that becomes apparent within a period of three years from delivery. The consumer and user must inform the seller of the lack of conformity within the period from which he became aware of it.
However, taking into account that some products that this website sells have a life period of less than two years, these terms will be applied taking into account the nature of the product marketed and their maintenance.
- In the event of any lack of conformity at the time of delivery of the good, the entrepreneur will be liable to the consumer for the faults that are manifested during a period of three years from the delivery, which will be understood to have been made on the day that appears on the invoice or receipt. purchase, or on the delivery note if it is
- Unless there is proof to the contrary, it will be presumed that the lack of conformity that manifests itself in the two years following the delivery of the good already existed when it was delivered.
- Through a simple statement, the consumer may require the employer to rectify the lack of conformity, reduce the price or terminate the contract.
In order for the good to be brought into compliance, the consumer may opt for the repair or replacement, unless one of these two options is impossible or involves disproportionate costs for the employer.
These measures must meet the following requirements:
- They will be free for the consumer, including the expenses that are necessary for the goods to be brought into compliance, especially the costs of shipping, transportation, labor or
- They will be carried out within a reasonable time from the moment in which the employer has been informed of the lack of conformity and without major inconveniences for him.
The consumer will make the good available to the entrepreneur, who will recover it at his expense in the way that generates the least inconvenience for the consumer depending on the type of good.
You will not be responsible for any payment for the normal use of the replaced goods during the period prior to their replacement.
The employer, for his part, will recover the good at his own expense, will remove the non-conforming goods and in the case of goods that have been installed, he will remove them and proceed to install the repaired or replaced good, assuming the costs derived from it. .
It will provide the consumer with documentary justification on the delivery of the good by the consumer stating the date of delivery and the lack of conformity, as well as documentary justification of the delivery of the good already in accordance with the consumer, which must also include the date of that delivery and description of the corrective action taken.
The consumer may also demand the price reduction or termination of the contract.
The price reduction will be proportional to the difference between the value that the good would have had at the time of delivery if it had been compliant, and the value that the good delivered has at the time of said delivery. The resolution will not proceed when the lack of conformity is of little importance.
The consumer may opt for them provided that the following requirements are met:
- When the measure to bring the goods into conformity proves impossible or
- The employer has not carried out the repair or replacement or has not carried them out
- Any lack of conformity appears in the repaired or
- The lack of conformity is so serious that it justifies one of the two
- The entrepreneur has declared, or so it appears from the circumstances, that he will not bring the goods into compliance within a reasonable period of time or without major inconveniences for the
The entrepreneur will reimburse the consumer as a result of the choice of these measures the price paid for the goods after receipt of these or, where appropriate, of a proof provided by the consumer that he has returned them.
The consumer or user will return the goods to the entrepreneur, at the expense of the latter.
- The consumer may suspend the pending payment of the price until the entrepreneur complies with his
- You may also request the correction of the lack of conformity, the reduction of the price or the termination of the contract, if, as a result of the violation of the rights of third parties, the use of the good is prevented or limited.
- The consumer will not be responsible for any payment for the normal use of the replaced goods during the period prior to their replacement.
Whether you request the correction of the lack of conformity, such as the reduction of the price or the termination of the contract, you may demand compensation for damages, if applicable.
In addition to this information, you must provide the consumer with information on the existence and conditions of after-sales services and commercial guarantees, if any.